How to Become A Data Scientist: The Ultimate Data Science FAQ Sheet

Becoming a data scientist among business leaders can be one of the most exciting opportunities that you will ever pursue..

The Top Reasons Why Data Analytics is The Most Important Marketing Tool

Data analytics is the most important marketing tool today. Why? Data tells you what is working and data analysis points out where to focus your efforts

The Important and Complex Process of Cleaning Your Data

Data cleaning is an important and complex process, but it’s one that has to be done.

Tableau vs Power BI: Which is Better for Your Business?

Which one is best for your company?
an animated man seated behind a desk with other smaller animated men assisting him with the work being done on the computer

How to Become a Certified Data Scientist without Getting into Debt

Businesses rely on the insight data scientists provide to drive decisions from
an animated figure pushing a boulder uphill

"Why do we need it?"-Caribbean Data Analytics

Imagine a man who needs to roll a boulder up a hill. He gets close to the top but then the boulder slips out of his hands and rolls back down. The next day, he returns. He gets closer but his achievement is still beyond his reach.
an image of the book the big picture by Steve Wexler

Why is Steve Wexler The Big Picture Different from Other Data Visualization Books?

Organization data-driven? It’s the year 2021 and if you are an executive, then it may be time to start thinking about what skills will be most beneficial to your company and its future. 
image taken at a workshop

Drinking Out Own Kool-Aid: Data Analytics For Non-Technical Professionals

How do you know that the food or drink you’ve prepared tastes good? You taste it yourself. That’s our policy at Incus. Whatever we recommend to our clients, you can bet that we’ve tested and proven it internally so that the results speak for themselves.
an animated lightbulb with different elements some of which include a global, a scissors and a microscope

What is Data Literacy and How Incus Services May Help You Achieve It

Data literacy is a data-driven mindset that allows one to think critically and logically about data, its sources, and how it can be used. It’s not just an academic pursuit but also a tool for business success in today’s data-driven world.
an animated graphic to depict artificial intelligence

Preparing for the Digital Future: Tips for Executives

Digital future is upon us, and executives need to be prepared for it. In order to stay ahead of the curve and ensure success today, executives need to know how they can prepare their business for this change.

Why Digital Badges are Important: An Overview

As digital tools are becoming more popular, many professionals are looking for ways to stay relevant.

The Essential Skills Every Leader Needs In Today's World

Today’s world is a complex one. It requires leaders to have essential leadership skills that are vital for the success of the organization.
animated workers pushing shapes the majority of whom ate struggling trying to push a cube while one of them is pushing a red sphere who happens to be in the lead

Keeping Your Caribbean Company Competitive with Data Analytics

Data analysis is a powerful tool that can help any company reach its goals. In the Caribbean region, data analytics software is becoming more and more popular, ...
an animated graphic to depict analytics

How Big Data and Analytics are Changing the Caribbean Business World

Data analytics is the future of business. What does this mean? It means that businesses are no longer relying on intuition and gut feelings to make decisions, ...
a screenshot of a warning issued by Kaspersky

Hackers Install Backdoors on ASUS Machines

If You've Got An Asus Machine, You May Have A Problem 
a magnetic attracting spheres that contain people and social media elements

Social Media Algorithms and Your Data: How AI will affect Marketing

While artificial intelligence (AI) technology is still in its early stages, it’s already doing some incredible things that will change how we interact with space forever.
an animated image to depict business intelligence

How to Get More Business Intelligence (BI) out of Your Data 

It’s what business owners and managers use to make decisions, improve their business processes, and keep up with the competition.
a blackened outline of a group of executives

Executive Sponsors- Why are they important for Your Company's Success

Executive Sponsorship is a vital component to any company’s successful execution of its strategy, through data-driven decision making and a sound data governance program.
an animated graphic to represent business analytics

5 Pillars of Marketing You Can Enhance After taking This Analytics Course

Marketing is a key part of any business and data analytics can help you with that. Data analytics courses teach you how data science works to analyze data and extract data-driven insights about your marketing strategy.

a man standing on a mountain with his hands lifted in victory

How to Overcome Business Challenges:? The Only Action You Need 

Entrepreneurs are often responsible for many different areas in their business, and it can be easy to get overwhelmed.

an animated man wrestling a question mark

The Key to Overcoming Fear and SElf-Doubt: Succeeding in Online Training

Online business courses provide many benefits for business owners who want to improve their business skills and knowledge, such as a flexible schedule and the ability to learn from experienced instructors.